Prepare for Holiday Guests with Clean Stone Surfaces

It’s November in North Texas! That means a fall breeze is in the air, afternoons are full of 70 and 80° temperatures and maybe the scent of freshly baked banana bread is filling up the house. November also means the holidays are getting closer. If your house is designated as the place family gathers on holidays, or your kids are all coming back from college, you’ll want a good deep clean before it’s time to get the decorations out of the attic and start prepping for this year’s big Thanksgiving meal. Our experts at Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration would be happy to help get your stone floors and countertops cleaned up and looking brand new ahead of the holiday season.


Experts in Stone Floors and Counters Restoration


The Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration team also specializes in restoring and repairing quartz, marble and granite countertops. So if your counters are looking a little duller than they used to, and you just can’t get that shine again, our experts can help. But first, let’s look at why stone needs to be cleaned and restored regularly. 


Most of the time, regular cleaning products you pick up at the grocery store leave a thin, waxy coating on your floors or countertops. These products leave a nice, shiny surface for a short period, but this wax builds up over time and is very difficult to remove without professional-grade equipment and products. So if you notice that the light doesn’t shine off your stone surfaces like it used to, cleaner build-up may be the issue. 


These products often contain ingredients that can damage or etch your stone countertops – particularly marble.  While citrus cleaners are positioned as “all-natural,” the citric acids they contain will damage your marble countertops over time, removing the shiny surface. Be sure to read the labels on your cleaning products carefully and avoid those that contain any type of acid.


There are plenty of other reasons why your floors or countertops might not be as beautiful as they used to be, but we can help! If you’re ready to get started, feel free to call us at 817.681.0866 or request a quote online.


What To Do Between Restorations


While a professional cleaning of your stone floors and countertops will always be necessary from time to time, there are things you can do to help prolong the life of your newly restored surfaces and minimize damage as much as possible.


  1. Do NOT use water and vinegar to clean your stone floors and countertops. While this can be a great cleaning option for ceramic or porcelain surfaces, it can damage natural stone surfaces over time.
  2. Use a traditional mop instead of a Swiffer-type flat mop. While these flat mops are easier to use, they tend to push grit and grime into grout lines, meaning your floors aren’t actually getting cleaned.
  3. Minimize the dirt and messiness that gets inside your home. Making sure you and your family take off your shoes when you enter the house, cleaning doormats and sweeping the porch and/or garage floor just outside the entryways into your home will help minimize the amount of dirt that makes its way onto your floors. In minimizing the mess, there can be noticeable improvements to the cleanliness and beauty of your stone surfaces and home.


Trusted Experts for Holiday-Ready Floors and Counters


We’ve been Dallas-Fort Worth’s trusted stone floor experts for almost 20 years! And we know that trust is earned. Since 2004, we’ve been earning the trust of our loyal customers. One job at a time. One floor at a time. One beautiful restoration at a time.


Please reach out to us with any questions you may have about your stone floors or countertops or request a quote today.