Best Practices for Stone Floors from the Pros at Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration

If you’re fortunate enough to have high-end stone floors in your home, you may not know how important it is to properly care for them and to have them professionally cleaned and restored periodically.

Stone surfaces like marble, travertine and terrazzo are an investment as much as they are a statement piece. One that will bring years of beauty and enjoyment, not to mention protect and maybe even increase the value of your home.

Why and When Should I Restore my Stone Floors?

With great flooring comes great responsibility! While the benefits of stone floors are many, you can only realize those benefits with proper care. Restoration from time to time is an essential part of protecting your investment.

Let’s explore a few ways restoration can protect your stone, extend its life and keep the living (and walking) easy.


Easier said than done, we know. After all; kids, pets, rain, lots of in-and-out traffic, baseball/football/soccer cleats, etc. We get it! But there are a few easy things you can do to help keep your floors cleaner longer.

  • Sweep the porch and walkways leading to the main entrances to your home. This will help minimize the dirt, rock and debris that gets tracked in.
  • Use clean doormats at your front, back and garage door entrances. These are often saturated with dirt and grease. Clean them regularly!
  • Don’t wear shoes inside your home. House shoes are fine but keep your outside shoes outside!
  • Dust, mop or sweep frequently. Dirt and grit on your floor cause wear and tear to your floor’s shine.


The biggest thing to know here: it matters what you use! Regardless of your stone type, Stone and Tile cleaner by StoneTech is a great option. We know many people like to use vinegar and water. Vinegar and water is an excellent choice for ceramic and porcelain but will damage most natural stone floors.

  • Wet mop with less soap and more clean water. Cleaners can leave stickiness and an oily residue on your floor (which just attracts and traps dirt). If you do use a cleaner, make sure to go back over the entire floor with clean water. Also, change your mop water every 200 or so square feet. This will ensure you’re not just spreading dirt across your floors!
  • Avoid cleaners promising a shiny finish. While shiny floors look nice in the immediate, these kinds of cleaners use wax or an alternative chemical that works like wax. When laid down on your floor, they seal in the dirt and grime. Over time, it will take a stripping agent to remove this build-up to get to the dirt and grime underneath.
  • Traditional mops vs. Swiffer-type and microfiber flat mops. These types of mops are great at sweeping and cleaning the surface of the floors. However, they tend to push dirt into the grout lines. Although traditional string cotton mops are more difficult to maneuver, they will do a better job cleaning the tile and grout.
  • Use a stone cleaner made for Travertine or Marble. These cleaners are pH-neutral and don’t contain oily soaps. They will give a cleaner finish! Remember, these cleaners are designed for maintenance and prevention (i.e., before your floors get into the situation described above!). If used correctly, these types of cleaners can go a long way toward making sure your stone floors are clean and look beautiful, too!

Honed Versus Polished

What material is your stone floor made of? If you’ve got polished floors (flat with a glossy sheen), scratches, then chips and other forms of deterioration are far more noticeable than scratches on a textured (honed) stone surface. To keep your polished floors sparkling, have them cleaned and restored annually.

You’ve Never Had Your Floors Restored

If you’ve had your stone floors for many years, you might have forgotten what they originally looked like. Pull out an old picture and compare…the difference just may shock you!

A major benefit of stone floors is their natural beauty. Over time, as wear and tear diminishes the floor’s shine, that natural beauty starts to fade. Restoration returns your floors to their original beauty and rejuvenates your entire home.

Why Choose Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration

We know that trust is earned. And since 2004, Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration has been earning the trust of our loyal customers. One job at a time. One floor at a time. One beautiful restoration at a time.
Our commitment to exceptional service, unmatched quality and attention to detail have earned Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration a reputation as Dallas-Fort Worth’s most trusted stone and tile restoration company. Our team is here to take care of you and your stone flooring cleaning and restoration needs. Schedule today.