Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration Can Help

Summer is coming! Okay, well, here in Texas, we’ve been hanging out on the back patio since March. And truthfully, by actual summer, it may be too hot in North Texas to sit outdoors comfortably unless there is plenty of shade and maybe some misters. And fans. And a very cold, icy drink in hand.

Weather aside, if your outdoor living space could use some sprucing up, we can help! At Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration, we clean and restore marble, travertine, terrazzo floors both inside and outside. Outdoor kitchen countertops need a little love? No problem. Stone floors in your outdoor living space looking a little worse for wear? We’ve got you.

Why You Should Have Your Stone Floors Professionally Cleaned and Sealed

Stone floors that have been properly cared for are a sight to behold! Professional cleaning and polishing by Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration will give your floors the “wow factor” they deserve. After all, professional cleaning, honing and polishing go faaarrrrrr beyond what you could do on your own.

Our commercial-grade equipment produces a deeper level of clean and shine than anything you could accomplish on your own. Our special cleaners emulsify grease and dirt build-up, lifting it from the pores and grout lines. We use a diamond abrasive pad to help remove or lighten deep stains in the stone’s surface. Although we can’t guarantee that every stain will disappear completely, our process and experience give us the ability to remove stains no other company can remove.

When You Should Have Your Stone Floors Professionally Cleaned and Sealed

In a climate like that of North Texas, we are fortunate to be able to spend time outdoors most of the year. It’s not unusual to dine on the patio or hang out by the fire pit in November or even December! So seasonally, any time is a good time to schedule a visit from our professional team of stone experts.

To the question of how often you should have your stone surfaces professionally cleaned, it really depends on the material. Since marble and travertine are natural stones sourced directly from the earth, they are a bit more delicate than other man-made tile floors, requiring a little more care to look their very best.

If it has been more than a year since you’ve had your marble, travertine or terrazzo floor looked at by a professional, it may be time to have it professionally cleaned, polished and sealed. Give us a call!

Who Should Clean and Seal Your Outdoor Stone Surfaces

Duh. Us, of course. But seriously. Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration has proudly served the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex since 2004. This family-owned, multi-generation stone and tile restoration business has roots dating back to 1977 in Houston. In other words, we know stone.

Our commitment to exceptional service, unmatched quality and attention to detail have earned Bizaillion Stone Floor Restoration a reputation as Dallas-Fort Worth’s most trusted stone and tile restoration company. Our team is here to take care of you and your flooring needs. We’d be honored to serve you.